Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Pain of Burning Skin in Guild Wars 2

Hebron was not scared when we found him. I thought we should protect our Guild Wars 2 gold well. He said: “It is right. I am killing the chosen ones. I cheated you before. But since you saw it today, you must be killed.”
After his order, the members of the White Mantle rushed towards us. They had the six professions. So their combination was reasonable. But the skills they had were a little coarse; they even had no elite skills. The warriors only had simple skills. The freelancers were interruption ones. The monks were defense monks. But the large-range fire of the elementalists was powerful.

It was the Pain of Burning Skin. Its profession was elementalist; its type was fire sorcery; and its attribute was mantra. It caused the pain of burning skin at the position of the enemy. The enemies in the range suffered 10 to 40 seconds of fire damage per second; no matter how much Guild Wars 2 gold they had. This skill could last for 5 seconds. When the effect of this skill disappeared, the enemy would suffer the burning symptom for 3 seconds. This skill consumed 15 points of energy. Its casting time was 3; and the cooling time was 30.
This skill was similar to the Earth Fire in fire department of the second section.

Both of these two skills had the biggest range effect and 40 points of damage. When the sorcery effect disappeared simultaneously, the enemies in the range would suffer burning symptom. Just when we found that the Pain of Burning Skin was used, we began to separate. We would be killed if we stayed in the fire. I was sure that now we had no enough time to buy Guild Wars 2 gold.
Besides the necromancer of the White Mantle was also powerful, he neither sucked blood nor sent curse. He belonged to aid type.

It was the Pain Life. Its profession was necromancer; its type was blood sorcery; and its attribute was gain sorcery. This skill made the user lose 17% of his biggest life value. In 5 seconds, when our mate attacked the goal, 3 to 13 points of extra damage would be added. This skill consumed 10 points of energy. Its casting time was 2; and the cooling time was 0.
The 3 to 13 points of damage could not be ignored. It was important for the warriors of the White Mantle who had fast attacking speed and much cheap Guild Wars 2 gold. I remembered that the necromancer of the dwarves also had analogous skill.


GW2: The Druids Country in the Forest

We suddenly came across a stranger person. But we did not know whether he had the Guild Wars 2 gold. He said that he was waiting for us.
“Yes. I am waiting for a person who can wake up Druids.”
“What is the Druids?” I doubted that the White Mantle got the foreign aid from other game.
“Druids is the protector of the forest. Long time ago, the race of Druids built a strong country in the forest. But this country was destroyed.” That strange person explained slowly.
“I remembered that the history book said that there was a country in the forest before.” Mahon said.

“The race of Druids believed Melandru firmly. They lived in the forest to have a peaceful life; even if it was difficult to buy Guild Wars 2 gold in the forest for them. It was said that they were human beings before. But other people also said that they were tree people. Nobody could say it clearly. No wonder who they were before. Now they looked like the plants. So you cannot recognize which one is Druids; and which one is a tree or flower.”
“The country built by the Druids was a peaceful country. It was different from other countries on Tyria Continent.”

“The country of Druids did not have wild ambition for the country near it. Simultaneously other country did not invade them; because Kryta did not need such a bad forest to be its land. The country of Druids disappeared without external reason; as if it never appeared. Nobody knew how the Druids got the cheap Guild Wars 2 gold.”
“The destruction of Druids has reason.” That wild person said, “Because the people of the Druids went to have a sleep. There was no terrible strength in the forest. As the protectors of the forest, they went to sleep. But now the White Mantle appears. They fought with the Shining Blade in the forest. They also killed the chosen ones in the Blood Bone Blade secretly.”

“Everything doesn’t match the peace of the forest. So it is time to wake up for the race of Druids.”
“Well. You wake up to fight with the White Mantle. You won’t by our enemies, is it right? Do you need the Guild Wars 2 gold?”
“Yes, you are right. Naira has been a friend of Druids. Don’t you know?”
“We know now.” This girl was too clever. She did not tell us anything.
“Now we can go to wake up my Druids brothers. But many protectors of the forest are guarding them.”


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fight with the evil forces

I put on my armor which made by WOW gold and pick up the sword for the first time in my life. The sword was cast by the king of the hill Suo Haier for me when I was 16 years old. Until now, it passed two years, but could still send a gleaming light in the dark. Suo Haier was a kind old man in my memory. He had a bushy mustache dotted on his face. He always brought a Storm Hammer and people respect him. He was the best swordsmith in Lordaeron.
  When he gave me this Templar Sword to me, I was so excited to grovel in front of him. "Get up, my child. Now you are already the master of this sword. It will bring you unparalleled courage and strength to fight with the evil forces of darkness in the future. You should remember that it belongs to the best Paladin." Those were the words of Suo Haier and I should always bear them in my mind. For a time, my blood was boiling. I pull the sword out of the scabbard and light was overflowing the world and made the light of WOW gold became dim in front of it.
  "Come on, you damn death army!" I shouted and intended to take part in the battle. "Prince, come out, they're coming!" There was a cry from a soldier out of the door. I wake up and realized that we already failed in the battle and we retreated now. Maybe we need to flee. With the slamming "Boom," the door made by WOW gold was forced open and some guards rushed in. "Prince, the King told me to take you out of the city from the west gate immediately, we need to be hurried before it is too late!" One of the guards said to me anxiously.

  "How could it happen?" I cannot believe it. "Where are those knights and hackbuteers? I want to fight!" I cried hysterically. "They are all sacrificed in the battle, Prince! We have to face the reality. We have no food and no water now, and all the WOW gold were robbed by the Orcs; the mankind is impending doom. Hurry, Prince, we have no time!" "It is impossible! It is not true, right?" I could not help looking at the soldiers. There was no trace of light in their eyes, and I almost ran collapse.


WOW- The Reconstruction of Dalaran

The Guardian Aegwynn created by Tirisfal, was as same conceit as the Mage of Dalaran, she gave her ability as a guardian and the powerful magic WOW gold to his son Medivh, but Medivh were attached by Sargeras which was the leader of the Burning Legion and became frenzied, and eventually opened the Dark Portal and led to the first Orc war. In addition to involve the entire Azeroth into the war, Dalaran finally tasted the bitter fruit created by their own. The Prince Arthas of Lordaeron brought Kel'Thuzad which was also a member of the Kirin Tor, he used the Medivh's spell book to summon Archimonde and let him destroyed Dalaran.
  Kel'Thuzad could be considered as the prime criminal who created the situation made the Scourge rampaged in Azeroth. Many people agree with that Kirin Tor should be responsible for the huge disaster which led by their self-arrogance. However, Kirin Tor refused to admit their error. After the third war, they led the remnants of the Masters back to the dilapidated Dalaran to clear the remaining Scourge in the city and plan to rebuild the city. They use the powerful magic shield which was made by WOW gold covered Dalaran, and everyone who contacted with magic shields will be destroyed immediately. They hide in the magic shield of Dalaran and concentrate on rebuilding this city, and intend to be isolated from the outside world forever.
  Afterwards, the legendary Master Ronin was appeared. He had experienced the Ancient War and saved Azeroth for numerous times and finally became the leader of the Kirin Tor. Because Ronin felt that the Kirin Tor should be responsible for the past numerous disasters, so he opened the Magic Shell of Kirin Tor, and use the magic power of WOW gold to move Dalaran to the air above Northrend, made it became the front-line base to against the Lich King. After the death of Lich King, they were still watching the remnants military forces of the Natural disasters Army.

  At the present, the Dalaran forces are completely neutral in the game and do not stand in any party of the Union or the Tribe, they don't want to offend any party for WOW gold, so that the players cannot see anyone from the Kirin Tor forces in the Icecrown Citadel Although the alliance and Horde have its own training places for Masters, but according to the existing Hero in the Azeroth, most of them born in Dalaran, including Kael'thas, Ronin, and Jaina , and all of them keep friendly relationship with the Alliance in the game.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Using the Skill of Deputy Monk in GW2

Cabot hurried to copy once more with his GW2 gold. It was the Judgment Signet which was an elite skill. Its profession was monk; its type was punishment prayer; and its attribute was signet. This skill could knock down the goal enemy. The goal and all enemies nearby would suffer 15 to 63 points of holy damage. Its casting time was 1; and the cooling time was 20.
The signet did not belong to sorcery; it was also not the attacking skill. So it was effective on the Shadow Pattern. The effect of the Judgment Signet was knocking down; it brought the holy damage simultaneously.

The knocking down was the most senior interruption. The Sorcery Copy of Cabot was interrupted. So the Shadow Pattern could not be used continuously. No matter how much Guild Wars 2 gold the user had.
“Shit! He is so evil! He used this skill!” The Judgment Signet was the skill of punishment monk. So only a few people used it. Cabot also did not expect it.
The Shadow Pattern could not be lasted. Cabot had no other method except for escaping. Jacobi saved him who only had more than 50 points of life value.

But the unlucky thing happened. Africa used the Signet of Toxic Shock on Cabot. Finally Cabot was killed. Africa also ran into the range; so Salon attacked him with the Glass Arrow. Africa lost much blood soon. Now he even could not buy Guild Wars 2 gold. Africa was not stupid; so he stopped. He had to wait for the next chance.
It was the Quite Breathing. Its profession was monk; its type was healing prayer; and its attribute was gain sorcery. This skill could last for 5 to 11 seconds. The goal ally would increase 10 points of physical strength because of this skill.

If this goal used skill or attacked, the effect of this skill would disappear. It consumed 5 points of energy. Its casting time was 1; and the cooling time was 8.
Since the deputy profession was monk. The skill used for adding blood and Guild Wars 2 gold should be used. Its effect was better than the Shadow Shield.
But the negative effect of this Quiet Breathing was that the attack or skill could not be used. Or else the effect of life regeneration would disappear. It was lucky that now Africa was escaping; and he was waiting for the cooling time of continuous skills. He would get full blood after several seconds. Then he could kill a person.


The magnificent city of Ascalon in GW2

The awful thing was approaching. abruptly, there was a huge fireball with a long tail soaring out of the thick cloud and hurried to the distant town of Ascalon. In the moment when it was dropping, the earth trembled; the flames were dispersed round and lit up the dark like Guild Wars 2 gold. When persons were still exceedingly alarmed by this scene, there were more fireballs dropping from the sky.

All of a rapid, the magnificent city of Ascalon was flaming up in the natural catastrophes. The buildings made by Guild Wars 2 gold collapsed one by one. No dialect can recount this terrible view; the frightened persons were hard to notify that if they were in the hell or on the soil. They do not understand what has occurred, they just understand that perhaps the doomsday was coming. The soil was covered by the dark and red sky, the atmosphere which one time untainted and blue has lost its initial color and become cloudy and dim. Here utilised to be the capital of Ascalon, the glory town of the kingdom. Today, it has been became collapsed wrecks, which buried countless miserable and sigh.

It has passed two years since the day which has made every Ascalon heartbreaking - the "flame Doomsday", but the persons dwelling here will not forget that tragic view. The recollections of pain have been firmly etched in everyone's brain. All the people of Ascalon want to wipe out those bad makers and let them get the penalty they deserved by the illusion of GW2 gold. But regrettably, as the days passed, the hope of revenge became more and more isolated.

Perhaps the will of the people has been slain because of the long time conflict, more and more persons begun to become a pessimist, encompass the monarch of Ascalon. He appears don't contain much wish to retrieve the lost land in the north of the homeland and just want to rely on the solid protecting against of the Great partition in the north, in order to assurance the security of Ascalon town. However, the pressure on the protectors of the north of the large Wall was bigger day by day, possibly the last barricade in this kingdom of GW2 gold would be traversed by the ignoble Charles earlier or subsequent. Above all is the backdrop article of the game Guild Wars 2. After this part, the game really started.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Misunderstanding of Warrior in Guild Wars 2

Everyone fell into the detailed explanation of Jibes; they even forgot to buy Guild Wars 2 gold.
“But even I did it like this; I still had no enough blue. I knew that a Mesmer had many points of recovering blue and skills of sucking blue. It would be better if I could get the 15 points of blue back. So I saw this one: It was the Lucky mantra. Its profession was Mesmer; its type was sorcery excitation; and its attribute was gain sorcery. In 20 seconds, the recovering time of the next skill you used would be prolonged by 10 to 5 seconds. But you would get 110 to 200% of the energy you consumed for this skill.”

“This skill consumed 5 points of energy. Its casting time was 1; and the cooling time was 25. It only consumed a little GW2 gold.”
“I did not think any skill could have better effect of recovering blue than the Lucky Mantra in the sorcery excitation department. Especially when the Lucky Mantra was combined with a skill which consumed much blue, there were more points of recovering blue because of more points of consumption. The negative effect of the Lucky Mantra was prolonging the cooling time. I did not care about it because the lasting time of the Transmogrification Weapon was longer than the cooling time.”

“The most important question about blue was resolved. The next thing was self-protection with Guild Wars 2 gold. As a warrior, I thought I should combine the attack with defense. In other games, the profession of warrior was the most difficult to be killed. Why was a warrior weaker than other professions in this game? It was not because the low defense of warrior, but no skill of self-protection. Now many warriors considered themselves as assassins. Their continuous skills were strong. But they were also easy to be killed in a second.”

“The self-protection skill of the combination of transmogrification weapon was using the Illusion Weakness and Healing Signet. Of course the Guild Wars 2 gold was also necessary. I felt that the Healing Signet was too troublesome; so I changed it for the Supernatural Power Feast. The effect of the Illusion Weakness was prolonging blood. If I had more blood than others, I would not die so easily. I did not think a warrior needed to use the Illusion Weakness; because we had the skill of increasing blood. There was the Endurance Signet except for the Bearing Pain. The profession of the Endurance Signet was warrior; its type was strength; and its attribute was signet.”


Ten Successive Victories of Jibes in GW2

Salon saw the name of the warrior clearly; he was Jibes. This man had much GW2 gold. He took a sword in his hand. He should have the skill of Chop Foot which had many symptoms. This skill did not have strong ability of killing a person in a second. So it could be ignored temporarily. The monk and the blinding wind elementalist of the enemies also rushed out. Salon got the Glass Arrow ready to hit the enemies. He thought he must be able to defeat them.
But at this moment, Jibes shaved his sword suddenly. The sword cut off with a very fast speed. Each chopping of the sword caused more than 30 points of damage.

The attacking ability of top sword should be 11 to 22 points. What happened? Why did each attack cause so high damage? Salon did not think just because Jibes had much Guild Wars 2 gold.
Polly found that Salon was in danger. She covered a Protector on him quickly. This Protector had 50% probability of blocking. So Jibes should not attack Salon. At the same time the Blurred Eye of Barclay was also used. This negative skill equaled to the blinding symptom. It could reduce the hit rate. But the strange thing occurred. The sword of Jibes still caused more than 30 points of damage each time.

It was the transmogrification weapon! Salon had already seen the data in the damage bar. He thought he could not buy Guild Wars 2 gold now. The transmogrified weapon could not be affected by the block and blinding; the damage caused by it was also stationary. It could not be affected by the defense. Salon had seen that the Mesmer of the Battle Guild used it when he was on the Battle Island before. But he did not expect that a warrior could also use it.
After Salon was killed by the transmogrification weapon, other mates also failed.

“Congratulations! Jibes, you get the ten successive victories finally!” The White Mantle gave Jibes many awards and much Guild Wars 2 gold.
“Thank you very much.” Jibes said.
“Jibes, what is your method to get the ten successive victories? What advantages does your best skill have?” The worker of the White Mantle asked.
“Well. I will show you.” It seemed that Jibes was a hearty person. He lightened his skill bar: 1 Supernatural Power Feast; 2 Quick Plunder; 3 Violent Protection; 4 Bearing Pain; 5 Endurance Signet; 6 Transmogrification Weapon; 7 Lucky Mantra; 8 Resurrection.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Passive bonus in game WOW

Of course there is Blizzards fail, in my opinion of D3. I won’t even start there, but let’s just say my faith in them is pretty much gone. So will I buy this? Sadly I would say no. There just wont be enough content to keep me happy when I don’t have much WOW gold. I am even more jaded they are having a deal that you can get the first two parts for the price of what people paid for the first. It just feels like they are burning the early adopters.
I will stick to my iPad and WoW for now. Maybe in the future they will have a pack with all three games for 15-20 bucks and I might break down and don’t have any more money to buy WOW gold, but as of right now I just can’t. I am just hoping Pandalanda stays interesting enough for me to continue. I really want a faction of evil pandas I can start killing. I really hate those lazy bastards after golden lotus. The first time I ran it, I'd had no hint of spoilers, so I got the full force of it. I remember laughing so much, and at the same time feeling a little sorry for the dude I left standing there when I had finished. There's also some part of you that wonders if you might not fit into one of those categories, just a little bit.
Rereading the quest, if you haven't done this one somehow because you live under a rock (or, more likely, because you don't) make sure to go to the place you send these guys and do their followup quests. For the love of Light, do not make them trinkets or otherwise equipable items which need much WOW gold to buy them. All toy/costume/fun items in game need to be converted to spells we learn instead of items that take up space in our bags ASAP. I had to stop collecting toy items a while ago because I ran out of room. And all my bags are Royal Satchels.
I think they could reintroduce it, but not as a trinket...simply as an item that sits in you bag and gives you a passive bonus. That's how a lot of profession tools already work. It used to be you had to equip a pickaxe to get its +10 mining bonus, but now you simply need to have it in your bags.Also...if they stuck it on a rare I would never forgive them.


People’s activity is based on imaginary sense in WOW

With green fire, my view is that, if we all logged in tomorrow and found our Warlocks automatically had access to it, it would be passing up on an opportunity for experiencing something good. Ultimately, I don't know if even a World First boss kill for WOW gold is prestigious in the sense of having a lot of people admire you for it. There's the sense of personal satisfaction, but there's also the belief that other people understand its significance (even if they don't) that can underly it. What I was trying to say is that so much of people's activity is based on an imaginary sense of what's prestigious.
I think you misunderstood. "Simple and inexpensive" are not what I was talking about. If you bought something, if you traveled to get it, if you were rewarded it from a quest, if it was mailed to you by a friend: If you made an effort to get it, there is a narrative attached to it. Can you tell me something you've genuinely felt a glow of pride about, that doesn't have a story to go along with it? I definitely agree with you there. I'm really looking forward to this WOW gold quest line and when they removed the class quests for spells and mounts from the game with Cata I feel they diminished the leveling experience quite a bit. The story of how you got something can be as important to you as the thing itself.
I'm just questioning the necessity to try and create an artificial "prestige" by limiting access to the start of the chain instead of just making the chain itself memorable. It's not like any orange fired Warlock, upon encountering a fel blasting green fired Warlock, is ever going to go "Wow, he must be an awesome Warlock for getting that random drop, truly that green fire makes me admire him".

Yeah, that makes sense. I guess it could be about not wanting their new mini Black Temple to be swarming with Warlocks in the first week. Or maybe just, you know, gamifying it, so that the alpha nerds can have their little shot of "I did it first" joy, before they take to the forums to complain about other people being allowed to have it to.


The Holy Light string in Guild Wars 2

The indigo monster assaulted us heavily. I considered it even did not care whether it would die. It had to strike relentlessly after opening the Craze pledge to get energy and GW2 gold. It would misplace all energy if it halted striking.

It was the Holy lightweight string of links which was an elite skill. Its occupation was oracle; its type was commander in head; and its ascribe was skill. This skill could last for 10 to 30 seconds. You would share averagely all impairment the aim partner endured. It consumed 10 points of power. The casting time was 2; and the cooling time was 5.

Though the precious gem monster could not add body-fluid or Guild Wars 2 gold, the damage it endured would be decreased because of Holy Light string of links. On the other hand, the oracle had higher protecting against than the god caller; so it was not easy to be killed. The Holy lightweight string of links was a skill, not a gain or stance; so it could not be taken.

It was the Merciless Spear. Its profession was oracle; its type was spear specialization; and its attribute was spear strike.  If this ability strike the foe who had less than 50% of personal power, this foe would bear the symptom of grave wound for 5 to 17 points. It consumed 6 points of wrath.

Maybe the diamond monster furthermore liked to display us its power. I thought we should buy Guild Wars 2 gold now. The Merciless Spear was also a spear strike which could give the foe grave injury. But its starting status was distinct from the one of Cruel Spear and Piercing. The person with less than half blood would be very dangerous when he was assaulted by this skill. He might lose all of his blood. So he would be effortlessly to be slain.

It was the Alert defence. Its profession was god caller; its kind was cabala; and its attribute was gain sorcery. This ability could last for 60 seconds. When the aim partner had less than 25% of life value next time, this ally would get 50 to 170 points of personal power and some Guild Wars 2 gold. It consumed 10 points of power. The casting time was 1; and the chilling time was 15.

The gain ability of attentive Protection was similar to the Believer Protection. The difference was that the Believer Protection could be begun with half of body-fluid; and the attentive Protection could be begun with a quarter of body-fluid.


The Death of Marina in Guild Wars 2

There was rich system for transmitting information in Guild Wars 2. So the players could use their skills and GW2 gold limberly. Salon only circled on the radar; and then her mates understood.
Salon and his mates put the front line well. The enemies all got everything ready. Cali and Cabot were still angry. They were waiting for the chance to kill in a second. Nobody moved first. Both sides stopped there such as the beginning of the combat. Finally Cabot could not wait. He rushed quickly. The Glass Arrow of Salon hit Cabot.
Salon thought Cabot must be killed. But it was strange that the blood bar of Cabot did not change.

A line appeared: The counterpart was in the status of shadow. Your attack could not affect this goal.
It seemed that it was useless even if Salon had much Guild Wars 2 gold.
It was the Shadow Pattern which was an elite skill. Its profession was assassin; its type was shadow sorcery; and its attribute was gain sorcery. In 5 to 17 seconds, all hostile skills considering you as goal would lose effect. All attacks considering you as goal would not hit. When the effect of the Shadow Pattern finished, you only had 5 to 41 points of life value. This skill consumed 10 points of energy. Its casting time was 1; and the cooling time was 60.

“Oh my god, why is there such a skill? He is unmatched! Do we need to buy Guild Wars 2 gold else?” Salon said. He knew why Cabot could rush without trepidation. But the Shadow Pattern was not unmatched forever; because this skill only lasted for 17 seconds; it cooled for 60 seconds. When this Shadow Pattern finished, there were only 41 points of life value. It was easy to kill the user.
Salon thought he should pass these 17 seconds. Cabot would be killed as long as he did not die in these 17 seconds.

Cabot used the assassination assassin! He dropped the former skills he used before. Marina was not lazy at this moment. She added blood and Guild Wars 2 gold for Salon quickly. Simultaneously Yakima also came to help. It seemed that the 17 seconds would finish; suddenly Cabot used the Shadow Pattern again. What happened? The cooling time of the Shadow Pattern was 60 seconds. Why could he use it again so fast?

“Do you see my continuous Shadow Pattern?” The next skills were used. Finally Salon could not insist on. Simultaneously Cali had a chance. Marina was attacked by the Haze Assassination. Finally Marina was killed.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Terrible Plan of Abaddon in Guild Wars 2

The demon  who had much Guild Wars 2 gold did not understand the thought of human beings, as if they thought they were the cleverest.
“We don’t need to understand that. After our host is resurrected, this stupid thought will disappear. The new world will be born in pain. The new human beings will accept the baptism of the night. They must suffer great torment and pain. Most of human beings will die. But even if only one person stays, it is enough because he is elite. That will be a nice new world!” Varese looked into the distance.

“Well, this process seems familiar; as if our race was born like this. But we only had a little cheap Guild Wars 2 gold before.”
“Yes, it is the pain you suffered. Now you are the most reliable race of Abaddon. Of course you are the cleverest race. You never betray the host. Other race cannot do this like you. The human beings always betraying.” Varese said angrily.
“In fact, we were created by the human beings.” Varese said suddenly, “I know the White Mantle has his plan to attack the real world. The human in that world are real. The people in this world are non-player-controlled characteristics as us.”

“You know it!” The zealot of the demon monsters felt surprised. They felt this woman was very clever; no wonder she did not need other people to buy Guild Wars 2 gold for her.
“Of course I know. I also know that the new group of volunteers has come to the real world from the pain rift. It is a pity that the scurvy human have already waited in the front of the rift early. They will face a painful combat. The power of both sides is different.” It seemed that there was nearly fire in the eyes of Varese.

“Yes, their sacrifice will be remembered by our clansmen and the great Abaddon. The human beings will regret for their actions when the night falls.”
“Even if we don’t kill them with our skills and Guild Wars 2 gold, the human will also destroy themselves. The environment of the earth is destroyed seriously. The worst terrible thing is that the human beings don’t believe any god. It will be better that they believe the stupid five true gods. They even don’t know who they are. Whey they only know is how to play. We have to save them. The human must be dominated by a god; and the god is our host, Abaddon!”


The Conspiracy of the White Mantle in GW2

We were surprised to hear the words of Naira. We even forgot that we had to buy Guild Wars 2 gold now.
“The more shameful thing is choosing chosen ones. In fact in the legend of the White Mantle, the invisible god doesn’t like the chosen ones; the chosen ones are the enemies of the invisible god. The chosen ones will kill the god and overthrow the domination of the White Mantle. They believe this prophecy deeply. So they choose the chosen ones once by once; and then they will kill them. When we saved the chosen ones, we were attacked by the spiders; so the White Mantle slanders us.”

“It is only your one-sided statement. Do you have the evidence? Don’t use the cheap GW2 gold to buy off us.” Hadley asked.
“If you don’t believe me, you can go to the blood bone glade to have a look. That is the position where the White Mantle kills the chosen ones secretly. The five true gods sealed the sorcery strength there. If a person dies on the blood bone, his wraith will be sealed together. So the chosen ones are killed forever; their wraiths won’t come back forever.”

After a while, Naira said again: “I nearly forget to tell you that the prophecy is very famous; it is said that the chosen ones will kill the invisible god. This prophecy is the fire prophecy.”
“Is it the fire prophecy?” Mahon was very surprised. As if he lost all of his Guild Wars 2 gold.
“Have you heard of it? What is that?” I asked.
“The fire prophecy has been spread on the Tyria Continent for a long period of time. One point in it came true. The Charr really appeared. They threw the fire sorcery off to destroy Ascalon.” Mahon said secretly.

“Did they go into the forest? Do they have enough Guild Wars 2 gold before they got into the forest?” Hebron asked.
“Yes.” The two members of the White Mantle answered; these two persons left Dylan and other people there before.
“Well, do they come out?” Hebron asked coldly.
“It is good. Well done. We don’t need to kill a group of chosen ones by ourselves. The Shining Blade helped us.” Hebron said proudly.
“We should thank you because you are so clever!”
“Don’t thank me. It is the strength of the invisible god. The god is helping us to get the win and honor in the dark.”
“Yes. Congratulations to the great invisible god!” These two persons pretended to be sincere.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Baroque’s Method to Deal with Caciques in GW2

I did not know whether Baroque could persuade the centaurs because he was a leader of them. Baroque did not have much GW2 gold now.
“Don’t listen to them. They are cheating you. The combat with human beings will kill you.” Baroque appeared as a centaur.
“Who are you? Why do you come here?” The cacique who wore red clothes was angry.
“I am your leader, Baroque.”
“Are you a leader? Don’t think you are rare even if you also wear red clothes. I also wear red clothes.” The clothes of the cacique was more ugly than Baroque’s.

He should know that Baroque’s clothes were nearly the best equipment in the game.
“Well, I will use my power to persuade you; even if I don’t have enough Guild Wars 2 gold. You will know whether I am your leader. You can fight with me one by one. If I fail, you can kill me. But if you fail, the combat with human beings must be stopped.”
“Go away! We won’t fight with you one by one. The people in the whole forest know that the three caciques are a combination. We will fight with anyone together.” The cacique wearing red clothes was a warrior who was good at axe. The yellow one was a freelancer; and the blue one was a monk.

The combination of warrior, freelancer and monk was good. The freelancer used symptoms to suppress; the monk could protect and buy Guild Wars 2 gold; and the warrior was main force of killing people. But if they fought with other people separately, they were not strong.
“I know. Then I will summon two friends. So we also have three persons. Do you agree with me?” Baroque called Mahon and Jefferson. The combination of warrior, monk and elementalist was too classical.
This combination could show strong function in the instance.

Moreover Jefferson was sword warrior; he did not only kill a person.
“Why did the human beings come here? Do they have the Guild Wars 2 gold?”
“Yes. Go away! The leader of centaurs won’t be with human beings.”
People here got excited. But Baroque was not nervous, he said slowly: “Why cannot centaur be friend of human beings? They are my friends. They are also the members of the White Mantle. Human beings are not as bad as what this cacique said. In fact, most human beings like peace. Am I right, Mahon?”
“Yes, there is an elementalist of centaurs among our friends. His name is Jed.” Mahon said.


A Female Leader of the Shining Blade in GW2

Baroque told the centaurs that human beings had many great skills as the Will Burning; so they could not defeat human beings; even if they had much GW2 gold.
All of the centaurs felt surprised. Now they knew the human beings were so strong. They would die if they fought with the human beings. They did not want to die.
Nearly one hour passed after we killed the centaurs. I nearly forgot the important thing. I did not know how long the Shining Blade had gone. We caught up with them. Now we came to an open place.

We found many white huge packs as tents. I thought maybe there was much Guild Wars 2 gold in them.
We got closed to them. We were scared. They were not tents, but the lost chosen ones. They were enfolded with white silk thread. They could not escape. It seemed that the silk thread was not made by human beings. It looked like the secretion of one kind of animal.
It was the spider silk. I already saw several huge spiders. Hebron said that the Shining Blade would kill the chosen ones bitterly. They would let the spider eat the chosen ones. It seemed that this was true.

The chosen ones were very nervous. The spiders got closed to them slowly and considered them as dinner. The chosen ones shouted loudly: “No, help! I don’t want to die.”
We would not let them die. We appeared at once after we hurried to buy Guild Wars 2 gold. We killed those spiders. Though the spiders were in low level, they learned some skills from human beings. We saw the shadow of the Shining Blade during the process of killing chosen ones.
“How do you like our power? We destroyed your ceremony, is it right?” Hadley said.
“What do you mean? I don’t understand.”

A sexy woman walked out. She was the one who appeared before. Her skin was black; but she was not ugly. This woman was Naira.
“Don’t play dumb. You want the spiders to kill these chosen ones.” The men in our team were puzzled by the beautiful Naira. Now Samaria and Hadley were very angry. Samaria nearly killed Mahon. I thought now these men were even willing to give this woman all Guild Wars 2 gold.
“Well, it is just a misunderstanding.” Naira smiled. Now she was more beautiful. Was she the leader who was reminded by the White Mantle?
“You must acknowledge what you did!” Hadley went on asking seriously.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

A New Player in Guild Wars 2

The demon monsters knew that Varese knew the plan of Abaddon early. They thought maybe Varese even did not need the GW2 gold anymore.
“Yes, it is right. Commander, take us to move on!” The zealot said.
In the real world, the demon monsters coming out of the rift were killed absolutely. The dead bodies on the ground were treated. There was still ice element in the hand of Basil. He froze six enemies at least in the last combat. His brother also saved many mates with the Constipation Therapy. He used other skills if he had a chance.

“Is this area locked?” A person asked. It seemed that this person was a chief. He was very strong. Of course he had much Guild Wars 2 gold.
“Yes. I am sure that nobody saw what happened here.” A solder reported.
“It is good. But if someone saw it just now, what will you do?” The chief asked again.
“I will catch him to our base.” The soldier answered quickly.
“It is good.” It seemed that the chief satisfied with this answer.
Jefferson was a new player who came to this world of game. His adventure in Kryta made him realize many unknown things. So he felt very fresh.

He had joined in the guild of the White Mantle for nearly one week. The guild did not give him any substantial task. He only found some non-player-controlled characteristics for them. But he could buy Guild Wars 2 gold by himself.
There were more and more Orr wraiths outside of the Lion Arch. Simple people dared not to come out. Jefferson told his guild that he wanted to fight with the enemies for many times; but he was refused. “You are too young. You have no enough experience and preparation. You cannot fight with the fierce Orr wraiths.” Jefferson felt bored.

“The beach is attacked by the Orr wraiths now. The help and Guild Wars 2 gold are needed.” Jefferson got a chance finally. He would go to help the beach. Of course he only could assist other people; because the members of the White Mantle were responsible for the main combat.
“We must hold the beach; because this beach is named as the title of our guild.” The name of this beach was a person’s name; and this person created the White Mantle. This person was very poor before. People in the whole Kryta did not like him. Even some people wanted to drive him out. They considered him as epidemic.


The Invisible Gods in Guild Wars 2

The person who created the White Mantle Guild did not care about other people’s thought; even if he did not have much GW2 gold. He used to be looked down upon. He was often hungry. But he still felt the life was so nice as long as he did not die. He stayed because of his optimism. Many rich people died in the combats. Other many people felt terrible of the combats; so they killed themselves.
The Charr came to attack before the guild combat finished. This strong race coming from north attacked Ascalon first, next got into Kryta and Orr along the edge of Ascalon.

Many people died this time; but that person did not die again. He also found that many former rich people became poor now. They lost all of their Guild Wars 2 gold.
At this moment a group of people who wore yellow clothes appeared. There were golden wings on their backs. They seemed angels. The person did not know who they were. So he called them invisible gods. These gods taught the person many great skills; they also told him how to deal with the Charr.
When this man arrived at Kryta, he was famous.

This man was not angry with other people, though the people did not like him before. He even taught them his new skills. He was also willing to buy Guild Wars 2 gold for them. Those people who learned these skills were the first group of members of the White Mantle Guild. The man disappeared after everything was smooth. Someone said that the man retired from political life; some people said that he had gone to look for the invisible gods; and some other people even said that the man was dead. No matter where the man went, people in Kryta considered him as a god.

The beach was attacked, which meant destroying the god in the heart of people. If this land was occupied by the enemies, the White Mantle Guild would fail; even if they had much Guild Wars 2 gold. The more important thing was that the beach was on the west of the Lion Arch. The beach protected the Lion Arch; so the beach was the last psychological line of people in Kryta.
Jefferson got into the instance of the main task with his skills of warrior: 1 Bleeding; 2 Serious Damage; 3 Wasp; 4 Critical Hit; 5 Uncivilized Cut; 6 Violent Stance; 7 Ascetic Practice; 8 For Justice.
It seemed that this set of skills was very random.



Saturday, June 8, 2013

Getting the Master Level in Guild Wars 2

Our team was changed. Except taking the fort priest who had much Guild Wars 2 gold, we also took Aulis who was a necromancer with main skill of summoning bone. The great bone army could bear a part of dark attack and stop the escaping way of the monsters while closing the rift. The bone army could also protect elementalist and monk well.
The second combat began; and the first steps were not different from the ones of the former combat. We killed the enemies in the middle first.

The first blasphemer appeared after we occupied the first rift. The array put by Jane early began to work. Because the blasphemer was weak, so he died before he got to the front of the array. Now he did not need to buy Guild Wars 2 gold from anymore. On the other side, more and more enemies were killed; and then there were more and more dead bodies. At the same time Aulis could summon more and more babies.
We finished it with five minutes and thirty seconds. It was great! We got the master level finally! The combat of this church could be considered as the turning point for the whole combat. Though Chaney died, the altar of Lyssa was not stained.

If the church was occupied by the enemies, there would be one more altar of Abaddon on the ground. The evil god would resurrect more quickly.
There was a sulfur desert on the northwest of Iona Continent. Nobody lived there. The environment there was not suitable for living. Life would die at once as long as touching the sulfur sand. No matter how powerful you were; no wonder how much Guild Wars 2 gold get from you had; no matter how many favors of god you got; you still could not change the death destiny.

Only wraith and demon could survive in this sulfur desert. But now a woman appeared.
It was Varese. Only she could pass this sulfur desert. But now she was hardly a human being because she was assimilated by the demon enemies slowly. There was no any soldier of Khulna around her. I wanted to know whether she still needed the Guild Wars 2 gold now.
“The blasphemer was killed. Our plan failed. The church was not stained.” One monster said to Varese.
“Yes, I know. We don’t need to care about this. The host is summoning me. Now we have no enough time. We must go to the Pain Area quickly. As long as our host can resurrect, we will get the last win.” Varese said to the monster.


Kill the Real Body of Dusk Demon in Guild Wars 2

The elder wanted us to kill the real body of the dusk demon. But I was afraid that we should buy Guild Wars 2 gold first.
At this moment Maloney said to the elder: “Elder, you should have a good rest in the village. We are going to the stronghold of Khulna soon.” Maloney rushed out of the village first.
There were a few demon and monsters on our way to the stronghold. But they were not powerful. We killed them. The system said just before we were going to be closed to the stronghold: “You can get the master level by killing two extra dusk demons.”

“What is the extra dusk demon?” I felt strange. Did they also have the cheap Guild Wars 2 gold?
“There are three dusk demons in the stronghold. The other two are self-separations; and only one of them is the real body. We will get the master level if we can kill the other two self-separations.” Maloney answered me. In fact, it was easy to know which was true; because there were only a few demon monsters around the fakes; but many demon monsters surrounded the real one.
“We must be careful. The real body of the dusk demon is more powerful than its self-separation.”

Agate reminded us when we were going to kill the real body of the dusk demon, “He will summon the army of the demon monsters when he has less than 50% of life value and Guild Wars 2 gold. There will be 30 to 40 monsters. We cannot deal with so many enemies. The army will arrive more than 10 seconds later; so we must kill the dusk demon which one has half blood in this period of time.”
“It is so detailed. How do you know that?” I was very surprised.

“Don’t forget that I am the expert of the main task. I can pass any main task only with some Guild Wars 2 gold.” Agate said proudly.
Another village was on the other end of the Iona Continent. This village was closed to the sky garden. Knox was right because the demon army of Varese had occupied the sky garden. They also turned the beautiful sky garden to be the night garden. This was just a beginning. The night would spread from this garden to the whole Iona Continent, even to Tyria and Qaysan.
In the legend of Bobby, the sky garden was given by the goddess of Lyssa as wealth. Such a huge building could not be finished by human beings; only the five true gods had the ability to complete this miracle.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Depuration Light and Dusk Demon in GW2

Winnie wanted to use the Depuration Light to close to the dusk demon because he was a warrior with much GW2 gold.
“Only the self-separation of the dusk demon can be killed by the Depuration Light in a second. The real body of the dusk demon is in the highest place of the sanctuary. You need to use the Depuration Light for three times to kill him. So you should send out three persons; and each one will hold one bunch of Depuration Light.” The farmer added.
“Do you need three persons?” Winnie thought he had to ask Polly and another person.

The task of this village was similar to the one of the coast. People should use the skill of depuration to kill the dusk demon. Of course much Guild Wars 2 gold was required. The difference was that the dusk demon of the coast would be weakened by the skill; and the dusk demon here would be killed directly. It seemed that the main task of this small village should be easier. But this main task still had another condition which was protecting the farmer. Everything would fail if he died.
There was no any defense at the position where the farmer was.

The village of Maloney had gate and guards. The guards might help to buy Guild Wars 2 gold sometimes. The army of the monsters got closed to the farmer quickly when other people went to kill the dusk demon with the Depuration Light. So the speed was very important.
There was still another important thing which was given by the farmer just now. Though the Depuration Light was strong enough to kill the dusk demon in a second, this skill could be used only once. If its use failed, people had to go back to collect it again. Then time would be wasted; and there would be more danger of the task.

Everyone should know that the Pain Wave of the dusk demon was very powerful.
The main task began after the skills and Guild Wars 2 gold was ready. A group of people set out. They killed a self-separation of the dusk demon first. A purgative wraith was born on the dead body of the dusk demon; and this wraith had the same function as the farmer. It could collect the Depuration Light. Three bunches of Depuration Light could be born as long as there were enough purgative wraiths; and then these three bunches of Depuration Light could kill the real body of the dusk demon.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Depuration Light from a Farmer in GW2

Lyssa was important in the heart of people in Bobby. She was even more important than the GW2 gold. The night garden destroyed the belief of Bobby fundamentally and also gave Bobby heavy shock.
“Oh my god! It is so bad! The worst thing happened. How can we disperse the endless darkness?” Knox said disappointedly. It seemed that he also did not know what he should do for
“It is impossible to disperse the darkness for you.” A person suddenly appeared. It seemed that he was an old farmer of Bobby. Why was he still at here? Wasn’t he killed by the monsters?

“It is you! It is great that you still work in the sky garden for” Knox should know this person well. But I did not think this farmer had much Guild Wars 2 gold.
“Yes, I am looking after the plants in the sky garden all the time. They are very precious. They will die if I don’t look after them carefully.” This farmer still cared about the plants, “It is a pity that they were destroyed by the demons in ugw2goldnet. I must revenge for them!”
I thought he should be the first person who wanted to revenge for some plants. But he was just a farmer with no powerful skill. How could he defeat Varese?

“Here you are. Though I cannot buy Guild Wars 2 gold for you, this is the Depuration Light which is collected by me from the rest power of the sky garden. There is a dusk demon among the enemies; and he is very powerful. Simple attack cannot hurt him. Only this Depuration Light can kill him in a second.” The farmer from explained his skill.
“What do you mean? Can this Depuration Light kill the dusk demon in a second?” Winnie was very excited.
“Yes, because this light has the strength of Lyssa.” The farmer said religiously.

He said again: “But you should be careful when you use it from The Depuration Light can hurt the dusk demon only when it is near the dusk demon. It can be used only once; even if you have much Guild Wars 2 gold. If you want to use it again, you must come to find me or emerge new light from the dead body of the dusk demon. You must remember that the light which seemed came from should not be sprinkled easily. The dusk demon will be more powerful if this skill doesn’t hurt him.”
“Yes, I know. I can finish it.” Winnie thought he was a warrior; so he should not be in danger if he was closed to the dusk demon.


The Skill of Depuration Water in Guild Wars 2

The elder showed us the explanation of the Depuration Water. I thought it could help us to save some GW2 gold.
He said to us: “You should know that the Depuration Water can be used only to the dusk demon for 10 seconds. You shall attack him in these 10 seconds as far as possible. Its cooling time was 15 seconds according to the article in; the 5 seconds among it is useless for you because you cannot cause any damage. He can attack you in these 5 seconds. I was hurt like this.” The elder coughed seriously. It seemed that he was hurt badly.

“The casting time of this skill is 2 seconds. So it is easy to interrupt this skill. The archer of the enemies has the Forbidden Magic Arrow and much Guild Wars 2 gold; and the dusk demon also has the skill learn from for interrupting. So you must be more careful. If it is interrupted, you have to wait for another 15 seconds. The dusk demon has enough time to kill anyone of you in these 15 seconds according to the words in” The elder said again.
“Well, now let me teach you skills.”
“No, many enemies outside are going to attack us.” Maloney suddenly shouted.  

Accepting skill needed certain time and consumed a grid of skill grid. We all had eight skill grids. Now we also could not buy Guild Wars 2 gold. The Depuration Water was relevant with the dusk demon; and I played it in the game before. If we accepted the skill, the dusk demon would know it; so he would rush towards us. We would be killed by the dusk demon and the army of the enemies finally.
We should kill the small monsters outside use the skill learn from They only had three or five monsters in a team; so there should be no danger.
Finally we killed them easily. We also got many equipment and materials.

There were the face masks and armors of the enemies. I did not know what good weapons they could break out. Maybe I could use them to get the Guild Wars 2 gold.
This small village of Maloney faced the sea. Generally speaking, the place facing the sea should be very rich. But this sea did not bring the village prosperity. There were many reasons for it.
The enemies surrounded this village soon. The dusk demon also came. The elder took his clansmen to fight with them. Though they got the win, the win was temporary for The demon would come again after accomplishment. The elder and many people were hurt seriously. There were many dead bodies of the villagers on the ground. We saw this scene when we got to this village.


New Members of Sun Spear in Guild Wars 2

Knox and Maloney began to quarrel about the dream of Maloney. They all forgot to buy Guild Wars 2 gold.
“It is enough! Don’t be so noisy! I have a method. A part of us shall go to the sky garden; and the other part shall go to Maloney’s village and” Rancor said.
“Well, I agree.” Both of these two persons said together.
Was the dream of Maloney true? Varese’s monsters attacked the small village once by once. What goal did she have? I chose to go with Maloney; and the rest persons followed Knox.

There were also Gaillard and Nagy in our team; one of them was the guard of Ponca; and the other one was an actor in the theater. All of us got our skills and Guild Wars 2 gold ready.
“Gaillard, why don’t you go to protect your Ponca?” I asked him.
“This stupid king doesn’t need my protection.” Gaillard answered angrily.
“You know it finally!” In fact, I felt Gaillard could leave earlier from But I had a question suddenly: “Gaillard, I remember that you told me you had an agreement with Ponca. People of Bobby think highly of agreement.”
“Yes, but that is not in force now. I obtained it with him.” Gaillard felt very relax since he became free.

“I will show you my hammer power in future. I am not weaker than the woman who is from Tyria.” The woman Gaillard said was Dwayna.
“Well, you shall kill some more demon enemies!” We were glad to have more and more mates in
“What about you? Why aren’t you in the theater? You can get much GW2 gold there.” I asked Nagy again.
“I don’t think highly of it. I only want people to like my performance. I think I will be more willing to perform if you can see my performance.”

I thought I knew why Nagy said these. Ponca did not know how to appreciate the drama. Though he said he liked the drama very much, he did not know the real nature of drama; even if he had much Guild Wars 2 gold.
“Is that true? So you will be the special actor of Sun Spear.” I remembered another person when I looked at Nagy.
“I have another advantage except for performance. It is the sorcery of Mesmer. You should know that I have my own method learn from to deal with the monsters. I can use illusion to puzzle and weaken the enemies.” It seemed that Mesmer all liked singing or dancing.
