Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Invisible Gods in Guild Wars 2

The person who created the White Mantle Guild did not care about other people’s thought; even if he did not have much GW2 gold. He used to be looked down upon. He was often hungry. But he still felt the life was so nice as long as he did not die. He stayed because of his optimism. Many rich people died in the combats. Other many people felt terrible of the combats; so they killed themselves.
The Charr came to attack before the guild combat finished. This strong race coming from north attacked Ascalon first, next got into Kryta and Orr along the edge of Ascalon.

Many people died this time; but that person did not die again. He also found that many former rich people became poor now. They lost all of their Guild Wars 2 gold.
At this moment a group of people who wore yellow clothes appeared. There were golden wings on their backs. They seemed angels. The person did not know who they were. So he called them invisible gods. These gods taught the person many great skills; they also told him how to deal with the Charr.
When this man arrived at Kryta, he was famous.

This man was not angry with other people, though the people did not like him before. He even taught them his new skills. He was also willing to buy Guild Wars 2 gold for them. Those people who learned these skills were the first group of members of the White Mantle Guild. The man disappeared after everything was smooth. Someone said that the man retired from political life; some people said that he had gone to look for the invisible gods; and some other people even said that the man was dead. No matter where the man went, people in Kryta considered him as a god.

The beach was attacked, which meant destroying the god in the heart of people. If this land was occupied by the enemies, the White Mantle Guild would fail; even if they had much Guild Wars 2 gold. The more important thing was that the beach was on the west of the Lion Arch. The beach protected the Lion Arch; so the beach was the last psychological line of people in Kryta.
Jefferson got into the instance of the main task with his skills of warrior: 1 Bleeding; 2 Serious Damage; 3 Wasp; 4 Critical Hit; 5 Uncivilized Cut; 6 Violent Stance; 7 Ascetic Practice; 8 For Justice.
It seemed that this set of skills was very random.



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