Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New players in Guild Wars 2

I am actually downloading GW2 after having bought the game and some GW2 gold earlier today. I’ll just prefice this by saying that I am a veteran gamer that is very competetive. Usually I relish playing a illusion user such as a Mage in WoW, Wizard in Diablo 3, Witch in route of Exile and Sorceress in Diablo 2 (you get the idea). 
In GW2 the matching seems to be the Elementalist. That’s all fine and dandy, but after having read a bit round multiple forums I’ve glimpsed people in general address Elementalists to be just simple awful in PvE – is this the case? I’ve seen posts stating that they do laughable DPS contrasted to others, their healing isn’t even close to as good as a Guardians and their tanking promise will not agree heavier armour users which also have much GW2 gold. Is all of this factual?

As much as I like playing a Mage that utilises the components to to their tendering, I dislike playing a blatantly underpowered class even more. I need to seem like I’m assisting a large deal to the assembly by exceling at certain thing vital, such as DPS or healing.

The occupation is most absolutely not underpowered. The elementalist requieres a bit more conceiving to successfully play well and that’s where a lot of players go wrong. Don’t go by what the forum threads are about. somebody with your mmo know-how should perfectly understand by now that the forum is the number 1 location to take out all negativity in the direction of the game itself. Try the occupation with a positive mind-set and then make your own judgement.

furthermore when leveling take in brain that it can be very disappointing. Ele is a class that starts to shine with traits that synergise and your armor. glimpse it as shining a precious gem in the start it will be uneven and unattractive but in the end it’ll pay off inGuild Wars 2 gold.

anyhow, I’d have to state yes and no on the usual caster thing as an Ele. Ele is much more like an Elemental Shaman (using Scepter), Enhancement Shaman (using Dagger MH), or…yeah…typical mage (using Staff). Its damage isn’t the major aim. We have attractive reduced stats and eh impairment on our own…but we cover that up by stacking the boon called Might.

The last thing I’ll say is that flattening in GW2 is nowhere beside as tedious as other games. certain you don’t have traits early on, but they’re not as necessary to the game and Guild Wars 2 gold as talent points are in other MMOs. And you also battle a large-scale overseer at… I’m just going to let you find that one out.

The Environment of Crystal Desert in GW2

After the owner of light city talked to us about the trip of crystal desert, I said to him: “Well, I know. Thank you.” I thought it would be better if he gave us the GW2 gold before we set out. I felt this owner was nearly a tortuous missionary. The gods he said were only five super computers. What things could they do?
The crystal desert was really behind the doorway. This area was on the southeast of Tyria Continent, which was more closed to the south than the southernmost part of Shiver peak. In fact the name of this desert was Krista Desert.

Because huge crystal always stood in the middle of the sand land, so it was also called crystal desert. There were many versions about the reason of these huge crystals. I wanted to know whether the person in this desert had the GW2 gold. The more popular one was that in ancient times, the fierce combat had occurred here. The rich farmland became desert; the bones turned to be the crystal. But it was obvious that this version was far-fetched; because very high temperature was required to change bone for crystal. Generally speaking only the explosion of atom bomb could finish it. Did the atom bomb explode in ancient times?

Except the desert in a game, such huge crystal also appeared in the desert in our real world. The scientist estimated that advanced civilization had appeared in ancient times. It disappeared later because of combat. I did not think it was easy to buy GW2 gold for people before. The huge crystal was the result of combat. Of course the prehistoric civilization was relative with alien, or Atlantis which submerged under the sea. We did not come to engage in archaeological studies. We also did not want to research the science mystery. There was no person in this desert. Who could we go to find to accept the test?

The Annul Oasis was the first station after we got to the crystal desert. It was the westernmost point of the desert. So it was closed to the old Orr. Here was the last station of comfortable life, also the beginning of adventure. I thought we could add cheap GW2 gold here. The Annul Oasis was similar to the small village of Shiver peak. Both of them were the places for setting out and preparation. Only the environment of this crystal was worse than the one of Snow Mountain. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The city of Arlak in Guild Wars 2

Arlak was the 3rd biggest town of Ascalon during the domain period. It was graded behind the imperial capital city of Ascalon and Sadlak sanatorium where nobility accumulated. Arlak is the most important town in the to the east part of Ascalon, furthermore the most economically evolved town adjacent Ascalon town. Since Arlak was only 50 miles from the Oriental boundary and on the major road of the domain, so here was the circulation center for the transient businessmen to stopover or supplement products and Guild Wars 2 gold. In the heyday of Arlak, the carriages have no end in sight of the road premier to the capital. But now, because Charr's armed detachment is too large, the Empire has forsaken part of the great to the east wall, which also encompassed the forsaken Arlak, as it was too close to the Oriental border.

Only in seven days, the 3rd biggest town of the previous domain has become a wreck. Different types of corpses and billowing smoke were universal. For Charrs, they do not need the towns, countries, nourishment, Guild Wars 2 gold and slaves. What they desire is the body-fluid, the wreck and the fear and wail of the dying foes. Their aim is to decimate the entire Tyria without any intension of reconstruction after the destruction. Their aim is to enslave all the other rushes in this countries. The one time prosperous Arlak was completely distinct after the appearance of Charr. You cannot even identify that it used to be a city.

Recalling that day, the dawn, the thatched cabin, the smoke from kitchen chimneys, the kind-hearted persons, the attractive birch forest and the moderately hot breeze in the early morning…. That is my attractive Arlak. persons were still busy as usual in the jump areas, in the world was about to become wrecks.

"Sister, look! What a attractive flower." A girl with red short hair was crouching on the roadside and observing a lily attentively. That is a flowery and carefree girl. It was very simple to understand from the rattan cloth she wears and the Rome dagger on her back that she just graduated from the Imperial College of nobility. The rattan cloth and Rome dagger were granted to trained soldiers as gift, as well as some GW2 gold and their credentials of fighters.

"Nana, you are too fast." This is furthermore a girl with red hair, whose hair like a waterfall, suspending on the edges of the face allowance. She observed his young sister with tenderness and love in her eyes. She is a lately graduated female monk, dressing in a sky-blue robe, retaining a wand of treatment. She disperses the gospel of Dwayna goddess and GW2 gold to the persons of the world.


The situation of Ascalon in GW2

I extend revising the illusion of death. I believe that I could depart here with her as long as I am powerful sufficient. Many times I awakened up from a nightmare. When I desire to contain Till's hand, I found what I can hold was only emptiness and GW2 gold. I strolled at the brim of life and death. She and the pledge of leaving with her made me incomparably strong. I tried hard to recall these years of time expended with her, every smile of hers and all the minutia of her. Her face is always wearing a unclear smile. She wants all people round could be happy like her. She examines ahead to a easy life. The room needn't to be so large-scale, the GW2 gold needn't to be too much, but there must be a little flower bed to vegetation the violets.

She will pour herself a glass of ice water in the summer, but she favours to share with others. She is as untainted and clear like a drop of water. She likes to see the lights of every house in the evening. She said that makes her feel that one of them was lit for her and furthermore there should be a man awaiting her there. She would seem a sense of unhappiness. She said there are two lifelines in here palm. One is short and another is bleak.

Black was drawn to Ascalon afresh. I glimpsed a red cloud wafting out-of-doors the city. This is the lights before the arrival of the God of death. The tragic feast will be arranged on. blazes filled the atmosphere. Fireballs with magic fly into crowds of Ascalon instantly. The entire Ascalon plunged into a ocean of flames in one second. The huge city partition which has been survived for hundreds of years and the lively town was destroyed instantly. persons run crazily with GW2 gold in hand to escape the illusion blaze from paradise and the wreckage of collapsed buildings. The moaning screams enclosed by fear came one after another.

In order to get away from the town, persons rushed to the arch bridge out-of-doors the town insanely with Guild Wars 2 gold. The arch connection was disintegrated before all people passed through. The whole town was enclosed with whine and the smell of death. The blaze which utilised to be their proud, now brings them agony, pain and death. It is Charr who conveyed all of this. Ascalon was not the only thing burned by the magical blazes, as well as the wish and honor of all the people became fragmented suddenly

Friday, July 26, 2013

General David and Flames City I

Flames City is located in the northern part of Ascalon Empire, one of the four main cities of the Empire. Empire's managements are largely the same with the location.

There are four main cities around the Imperial Palace Seoul temple. They are city of Lesia in the southern, the western Bruce Pettis City, eastern Phoenix Ice Valley and northern flames city. The masters of the four cities are all the prices from the family of Duo Like. In this supremacist empire, this rule continues nearly a million years since the King I Duo Like. Duo Like King initially took his seven brothers conquered the entire Ascalon by force and established Ascalon Empire. Four of his brothers were given lots of Guild Wars 2 gold and the title of Prince to manage the four main cities of Ascalon Empire in generations forever, maintaining the supreme imperial power of Ascalon Empire everywhere.

After nearly ten thousand years of developments, Ascalon Empire has accumulated an amazing wealth of Guild Wars 2 gold. Although the evil god Necro's necromancer Legion starts aggress on Tyria continent per thousand years. The latest one is the last thousand years. Since the orc clan Auf betrayed the entire Tyria continent, the War fire keeps burning for three decades. But even each time the enemy will be repulsed by the two Paladins with coalition forces who appeared every one thousand years on Tyria continent. Although the attack of the Undead Legion of the evil God became more and more violent and the war lasted longer and longer, this did not cause fatal injuries to Ascalon Empire. After the war, the Empire still quickly restores the prosperity and Guild Wars 2 gold of the past. After all, decades of war compared to the thousand years of peace, even a re-injury and destruction may have been healed within such a long time.

When the first day that General David arrived at Flames City- the biggest city in the north of Ascalon, he saw Noray make speech to people on the stage of wind located in Showa Carl Temple Square, without charging for Guild Wars 2 gold. Noray is a very strange monk, usually in very little speech. But whenever he had begun to spread the scriptures among the people, the order of the winds will become his personal stage. To say stage should be appropriate here because a lot of people say that anger Noray is an entertainer a genius poet, rather than a monk, because he has all the qualities of performers. The usual verbal is modest and immediately full of passion together with the people.


General David and Flames City Ⅱ

Some people say that: if he performed at the Royal Theatre, his sensational performances and strong rhythmic voice will upset each noble and make lots of Guild Wars 2 gold. The only one reason is that these aristocratic and glamorous ladies disturbed have a fanatical preference for theatrical performances. Plus on his hansom appearance, and the determination of the eyes, will inevitably lead to many of the affairs. However, the premise should be Noray is a performer, not the monk, and Noray had to pull their punches. Fortunately, these things will not happen. These aristocrats do not have to worry about their wife and ladies' eloping with him.

Noray spends most of the time on learning and studying scripture with his teacher Hilf who was a senior deacon of Showa Carl Temple. He will go to the monasteries distributed in the main to deal with some of Temple issues to earn Guild Wars 2 gold, but also usually shuttles between the empire and the main city. When Noray was young, Hilf often shuttles with small between various cities and empire. This made him know a lot about some cities along with the customs and culture of the empire. When Noray was in Showa Carl Temple, there were a few days of each month for him to spread his doctrine.

Noray's name isn't seems like a monk's name, but it means nothing for the temple to make Guild Wars 2 gold. In the monks' eyes methodologies are methodologies, things are things, everything is usual. Noray's name was given by his teacher Hilf, Hilf is more a father than a teacher for him.

Initially saw Noray, he was not named this, actually he has no name. In a lightning flashing rainy night, Hilf found Noray on his way back from the empire to flames city when he was passing a small temple outside the city. Hilf heard someone was crying at the corner of the Temple wall, but when he found Noray, he noticed that the crying was not from him. Surprisingly it turned out that it was a huge mother wolf howling in low voice like a baby crying.  Noray was under this wolf whose body was all wet, but he did not get wet. Obviously, this wolf was shielding him with her own body and summoned Hilf here with low voice. When Hilf come to Noray, the big wolf break out a long beep and quickly disappeared in the depths of a rainy night. Hilf put Noray in his arms, found a piece of Guild Wars 2 gold in Noray’s hand. Noray remained surprisingly calm and serene as if he had been in the arms of Hill.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dynamic Event awards in Guild Wars 2

n the game Guild Wars 2, When the task was accomplished, all the players got experience,Guild Wars 2 gold and Karma. bestowing degrees count on the purposeful degree of the players participated in the event. It is split up into gold, shiny and copper grade. Everyone will get their pay without a sense of affray. Players who performed The conflict Hammer should be exceedingly well known with the dynamic events in the game. But there is a little distinction that Guild conflicts 2's rewards are not affected by random figures and there is no unique inducement. So the players don't have to ignore or block other players' participation. 

There is no competition but only collaboration between players. This has been one of the most important notions of the development of GW2. At the identical time, these incentives do not need players to stay in the area until the happening is accomplished, wherever you proceed or being offline, you will get your reward at the end of the as long as you utilised to participate in. You won't lose the pay you should get because of your leaving. I believe players who performed Rift will acquiesce with this wholeheartedly.

In Guild Wars 2, some events can be as large as servo-scale to let hundreds of players involved in, such as the grade 50 happening of disintegrator. When you trounce the disintegrators, there will be a monster in the GW2 gold barrel. All the players took part in the event can get pieces, likely tools for fighting or improvement components of tools for fighting or armor.

Events furthermore sway each other. Some big events may trigger further events and origin a string of links answer for its bigger scope. Some are triggered by interaction between players and NPC or items like Guild Wars 2 gold. Some are initiated by climate systems or day and evening  changes. Even without considering about this, you will encounter distinct players to entire the happening. Every know-how is exclusive because of the distinct class blends or cooperation between distinct players. How exciting it is to think of that the happening you were experiencing can only occur a couple of weeks or months later.

When you come to the area of the incident of an happening, you may be the only player there. although, there will be two or three players join you on the way to strive to complete the aim of the event and get some GW2 gold. The adversity will increase with the participations of other players.


More and More Enchantments in Guild Wars 2

Another new enchantment appeared. I thought we would consume much Guild Wars 2 gold again. Its effect was similar to the one of the binding enchantment. But the Austerity Enchantment had one more effect which was continuous ice damage. Only 1 to 11 points of damage seemed too low.
It was the Corrosion Enchantment. The enemies in the enchantment range would reduce the elemental armor by 20 to 40 points. This enchantment lasted for 20 seconds. It consumed 5 points of energy. Its casting time was 1; the cooling time was 30.
A Corrosion Enchantment was added under the Austerity Enchantment.

After reducing the elemental armor, 1 to 11 points of ice damage of the Austerity Enchantment would be powerful. Generally speaking, 40 points of defense could reduce half damage. But if 40 points of defense were reduced, there would be double damage. A person would suffer 20 points of ice damage if he was in the Corrosion Enchantment. It would last for 20 seconds, so there would be more than 400 points. A person who had no full blood or Guild Wars 2 gold would be killed. It was unlucky that the Austerity Enchantment had the effect of slowing down. It was not easy to run out of the range of the enchantment.

The combination of austerity and corrosion was so perfect. The enemies just used three enchantments; we were so miserable. Someone even lost more than half of their blood. Now we even had no enough time to buy Guild Wars 2 gold. The effect of the enchantment was enhancing our strength and weakening the enemy. Another key was that the enchantment could not be destroyed as gain and stance. One enchantment occupied a piece of space. After using three enchantments, we could hardly stand.

It was the Epidemic Enchantment. The attacking speed of the enemies in the enchantment range would be reduced by 15% to 25%. The physical defense would be reduced by 10 to 20 points. One of the symptoms of poisoning, bleeding or blinding would be added per second. The symptom would last for 1 to 5 seconds. This enchantment lasted for 20 seconds. It consumed 25 points of energy. Its casting time was 1; the cooling time was 30.
This Epidemic Enchantment was so creepy. It could reduce attacking speed and physical defense. A symptom would be also added. A person attacked by it would lose much blood and cheap Guild Wars 2 gold. To the sorcery profession, this enchantment was not important. But blinding and reducing attacking speed could nearly kill the physical professions. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Crystal Desert in Guild Wars 2

The owner of light city introduced the six true gods to Ola. He told Ola that the six true gods all had endless Guild Wars 2 gold.
“The third true god is Grenth, the god of death and iciness. The characteristic of death is very similar to the one of our epidemic god; and the Domination Iciness is the best skill of the austerity goddess. The fourth one is Lyssa, the illusion goddess. She can puzzle and weaken the enemy with a lot of illusion. So she equals to our corrosion god. The fifth one is Melandru, the goddess of earth and nature. She has many stances for protecting herself. She only has a little relationship with our protection god.”

The owner of light city stopped for a while, and then he said: “As for the sixth one, he is the last true god. He is also the emblem of darkness and destruction. He is similar to our wild-eyed Pula.” The owner of light city gave out the perfect summary. Though I did not know their seven wraith gods very well, I knew most of them. Did their gods also have the cheap Guild Wars 2 gold?
“Is the wild-eyed Pula the wraith god I don’t control?” Ola soliloquized.

“Yes, it is not easy to control him because of the strength of darkness. Even if you have this wraith god, you will get fanatical easily because you cannot digest the strength of darkness. Maybe you even cannot buy Guild Wars 2 gold in future.” The owner said.
“Can the strength of darkness be controlled?” I thought this might be only a joke. Could we also control the strength of Abaddon? If it was true, I thought we would be the demon monsters.
“Yes, the darkness is also a kind of strength as the brightness. In fact the darkness doesn’t mean viciousness; and brightness also doesn’t mean justice. The question about right and wrong is only between a read.”

The owner of light city said significantly: “Well, the test to you has finished. It is time to go ashore. Go to the crystal desert to accept your new destiny with your skills and Guild Wars 2 gold!”
“Can we go ashore from here?” I remembered that the owner of light city said the position of the seabed city was the old Orr, where was closed to the crystal desert.
“Yes, you will start your trip after passing the doorway behind me.” The owner of light city said, “But I have to tell you that you cannot change the belief in your heart, no matter what difficulty and how powerful enemy you come across. You should believe the five true gods. They will protect you in the darkness.” 

A Wraith God in Guild Wars 2

Ola was introduced to us. I thought he must have much cheap Guild Wars 2 gold. He said to us: “I am glad to meet you. You are all warriors. It is my honor to fight with you.” After he said these words, he lifted his hand.
“The wraith god in my left hand, I want to know whether they are my friends or enemies. Now I will open the chain of sealing. I hope you can give me the strength to help my combat. Come out, the knife wraith.”

It was the Strength Enchantment. In the range of the enchantment, when the physical attack of our mates hit the enemy, 1 to 11 points of extra damage would be added. Simultaneously the sorcery damage of elemental attribute would be increased by 1% to 11%. This enchantment could last for 20 seconds. It consumed 10 points of energy. Its casting time was 1; the cooling time was 30. He could buy Guild Wars 2 gold during the long cooling time.
Now we knew he was an enchantment master. The effect of the Strength Enchantment was adding attack, including physical attack and elemental attack. A huge and terrible doll was established in the middle of the enchantment.

The blue enchanter got down when he saw this doll. I thought maybe he was scared by the terrible doll. He was so nervous because he had no enough Guild Wars 2 gold now.
Suddenly the owner of light city also got down. He was the leader under the sea. Why did he also get down? I remembered that the owner said that there was a god on their continent; and this god might be this doll.
“I have the combat god in my body. I am afraid of nothing. I am unmatched.” Ola became very brave. He used his sword to cut us fiercely. If we were attacked in his enchantment, we would suffer extra damage.

We would be in bad situation. So we began to move back. We should draw him out first because we also had no enough Guild Wars 2 gold.
“The ice goddess, we like your nobleness and plainness. I hope the enemies will lose confidence of the combat under your cold breath. Please use your coldness to dominate their heart. Please kill them.”
It was the Austerity Enchantment. The enemies in the range would suffer 1 to 11 points of ice damage per second. Their moving speed would be reduced by 50%. This enchantment lasted for 20 seconds. It consumed 15 points of energy. Its casting time was 1; the cooling time was 30. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

The eve of the Great War

In the spring of this year, it is a rare good weather. The gentle sun was shining. However, everything around has no feeling of spring. The scorched earth, wreckage of charred trees and various instruments with billowing smoke scattered everywhere, along with corpses and Guild Wars 2 gold, a variety of armor and weapons. The only creature was the vulture hovering in the sky. The air was filled with the faint stench smell of blood. Everything seemed so bleak.

There is a human lying on the hillside not too far away. He has a wheat-colored skin and determined face. The only drawback is that there is an "X" scarring on the left side of his mouth. It seems that he was enjoying the rare good weather with slightly closed eyes and a length of grass-roots in his mouse. We can learn from the armor on him that he is an ordinary soldier of Ascalon, even though it has been tattered. But the weapon on his side still exudes a metallic sheen, seemed so sharp. That is a standard Ascalon tomahawk bought with Guild Wars 2 gold.

"Woo ..." With the assembling horns coming, he opened his eyes which look so cold without any emotions. Stood up, picked up the helmet, Guild Wars 2 gold and tomahawk beside him. Then he walked toward to the camp under the hillside. The running soldiers and assembling horns were everywhere. In the north of the camp about 3 miles was the well-known Northern Great Wall. The towering Great Wall extended the hill, you will never know where its end in.

"Hey, Stirling, hurry up, if you cannot stand by my side within 10 seconds, Captain Defona will kick your ass with a baton again.

"Shut up, little Tom, if you do not want your ass be kicked!"Defona said.

"Yes sir!"

"Stirling, can you stand in the ranks before your ass were kicked?" Defona said.

"Stirling, when the stick will fall on our asses" Tom said quietly.

Stirling glanced at him, and took a look of his ass. Then he moved his eyes to the captain Defona in front.

"Well, I will not ask." Tom said quietly.

"Well, everyone is here. The Hopipen Paz of Charr launched a small-scale harassment this time. Ninth Legion Commander-General Khan commanded us to defeat them. General Khan gave us this opportunity and I hope we will not let him down. Again, remember to collect all the Charr's carvings you killed, since it represents Ilona canned fish fresh, Guild Wars 2 gold, dragon skewers, sweet chocolate bunny and cake. Move on."

Picture of Cruel and bloody War

A large number of stones were thrown out by the catapult on the wall, pound in the assaulting Charr. The fireball summoned by flame-summoners of Charr and the Charr hunter's bow and arrow sprinkled like rain shed, many companions around fell down the enemy's attack. Stirling blocked one arrow fired towards him with a round-wood shield, glancing at little Tom, this guy was still had Guild Wars 2 gold in hand and chattered without stopping nagging cursing the Charr commander Hopiben Paz. The Charr warrior in front keeps assaulting. It has been close enough to see the unique Charr skin on their foreheads and the wooden carvings of their Lord God around their necks which each Charr will wear. Stirling tightened the tomahawk in his hand. He knew that is what his life relies on.

"Fire"! This is the familiar hoarse voice of Edena-the commander of Archer Battalion. Thousand strong bows were pulled into a full moon, shot out at the same time and sprinkled on Charr's head like a rainstorm of Guild Wars 2 gold. A large number of assaulting warriors of Charr fell down screamingly. But there were still a large number of Charr rushed to the front soldiers such as Defona and Stirling.

"For Ascalon,"! Captain Defona who has a big hammer in hand cried.
"For Ascalon,"! The soldiers responded resoundingly
"Pong"!  The blood splashed in a metal sound of, like the roar waves beat on hard rocks.

Charr's soldiers rush to the 2-meter-high giant shield of the Ascalon's fully equipped warriors and the 3-meters spears extended from the shield. Even if their chests were impaled by the gun, Charr's soldiers still chopped the soldiers of Ascalon tenaciously with the knives in hand. The soldier dodged the long knife bought with Guild Wars 2 gold. Charr's soldiers' necks were cut down with a look of pity on his face.

Stirling dodged a spear and cut one Charr's skull with tomahawk. The enemy just fell down, there was a spear stabbing towards his stomach immediately then, that is the following spearman. He barely escaped such a blow with another sideways dodging. Without caring about the new scar on his own armor and how much Guild Wars 2 gold he would get after this battle, Stirling axed into the chest of the enemy without looking at each him, then pull it out and walked up to another enemy in front.

Two years, more than seven hundred days, two-thirds of the day has gone since he graduated from Ascalon College. Kill or be killed were the only lives of all soldiers which were full of feelings of excitement, terror, numbness, tired.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Sea with Blue Wings in Guild Wars 2

Though the death mermaids died, a group of huge fish with much cheap Guild Wars 2 gold came again. They were bigger than simple fish. They were the axe warriors. Our young blue enchanter was really very brave. He used the Black Dragon Wave to flow the fish around himself; and then he used the hell fire. He thought his several skills could kill this group of monsters in a second. But those monsters had high blood and defense. Now the blue enchanter was surrounded.
The Fire Storm and the Withered Fire were used. Zach even came to help. But it was too late. The blue enchanter and those monsters died at the same time.

The system said that we had to go to the next position to find the resurrection point of the blue enchanter. He was so troublesome. I was afraid that maybe we should also help him to buy Guild Wars 2 gold.
The sea road in the front of us was narrower and narrower; but there were more and more sea waves. We did not know whether our route was right without the lead of the blue enchanter. We went into a narrow and long water channel. There were many death mermaids in it.

But there was also a new kind of monsters. They were the sea monsters with blue wings. They looked like human beings. They all took the blue crossbows. Their attacking method was shooting blue arrows from the crossbows. It seemed that they were freelancers. It was sure that they had much Guild Wars 2 gold.
It was the Arrow of Ice Goddess which was a monster skill. Its attribute was preparatory skill. It could last for 24 seconds. If you were holding the weapon of ice damage and your arrow hit the goal, the enemy would suffer the cripple symptom for 3 to 13 seconds. This skill consumed 15 points of energy. Its casting time was 2; the cooling time was 12.

This was the preparatory skill which could make people cripple. I never saw it before. But this cripple had condition which was holding the weapon of ice attribute. I thought the crossbow of the sea monster must have ice attribute because we were crippled. We also lost much Guild Wars 2 gold. Besides, the Ice Palm Thunder of the death mermaids had the effect of slowing down.
In fact the water channel of the sea monsters with blue wings was very narrow. It was short of the place for escaping. Now we were slowed down and crippled. 

Earn experience in Guild Wars 2

Players generally have many different procedures to gain Guild Wars 2 gold or experience in the game Guild Wars 2,  here I want to introduce some of them.

The first procedure to gain the experience is enjoying the dynamic incident. Dynamic happening would emerge suddenly on your way to travel on the countries in Guild Wars 2. These events will appear on your chart in a different pattern. One of the most well liked events is accompanied with the businessmen walked from one to another location. Of course, along the way there will be attackers. There are some other events, including defend the localized people against the attack from the attackers or be a help to bring the props to NPC, the more events you engaged in, the more know-how you will get on your role.

The second method is to gain experience from the dungeon. Players can visit the underground town to earn some know-how or Guild Wars 2 gold; these are instant district made for the group players. You can play in an below ground city for many times, but there are only two modes in these underground towns. When you first go in the underground city, what you use is the story mode. In this mode, you can see the way the various scenes and signs on the street. Once you have finished one article in the dungeon, you can get entered the investigation mode. The second mode is followed by the article mode; players will have more choices in the method of discovering the below ground town.

The third method to earn know-how is to evolve your one-by-one contrive. You can be relentlessly to evolve your individual story according to your character, and every task you complete effectively would make you gain some experience and more GW2 gold

The fourth procedure is to dispute abilities. There are variety types of challenge in "Guild conflicts 2". No matter considering with a lone one or a lone battle to battle with a assembly of mobs. Every time after you complete a ability dispute you could get some know-how, maybe the more significant is to add some ability issue on your ability. 

The last method I desire to refer is WvW. whereas commonplace PvP cannot get any know-how, but you can take part in the world PvP and gain some GW2 gold you desire. Defeating the foe players in the battle or going on to complete the dynamic events can help you to gain some experience.


The Impatient Dalen in Guild Wars 2

Suddenly I remembered another strong skill which was a negative skill of Mesmer; it was the Containing. But I did not know whether I had enough Guild Wars 2 gold. This skill prolonged the recovering time of the next skill used by the goal by 10 to 47 seconds. I had no time to think about it. I summoned Agate quickly.
Now Dalen could not use the Vampire Touch. So we killed him easily. There were still three enemies. Their skills should be similar. We could use the Derangement Shoot and the Containing to resolve.

“Dalen was too silly. His death was not our fault.” Mace said angrily, “But it doesn’t matter. Even if we only have three persons now, we can also kill these people. We can also buy Guild Wars 2 gold by ourselves.”
We still used the former method. I called Agate to go on using the Containing. But she was interrupted. The casting time of the Containing was a little long; it needed 3 seconds. Even if there was the main attribute of Mesmer, it could be shortened to be about 2 seconds. So it was easy to be interrupted. But the Derangement Shoot needed bow; and the freelancer of sucking blood used staff. How could a person use the Derangement Shoot?

It was Barlow. I saw that he was holding a long bow. If I was right, he used the trap skill to attack us. I did not expect that his bow skill was also so good. He should also have much cheap Guild Wars 2 gold. You could equip four weapons with you simultaneously in Guild Wars 2. Different weapon skills could be achieved by changing weapons usually. It was obvious that Barlow changed the staff for the bow. So he could use the Derangement Shoot.

It was the Ante of Archer which was an elite skill. Its profession was freelancer; its type was specialization; and its attribute was preparatory skill. This skill could last for 18 seconds. When your bow arrow hit the goal, you would get 5 to 9 points of energy. But if you failed, you would lose 10 points of energy and much Guild Wars 2 gold. It consumed 5 points of energy. Its casting time was 2; and the cooling time was 24.
Now we all knew that Barlow used this preparatory skill to recover blue. No wonder he had to use the bow. This skill had better effect of recovering blue than the Blood Devotement. But there was a bad negative effect at the same time. 


Friday, July 19, 2013

Integrated the PVP and PVE

Once a weekend test, the players were happy to discover that community A released a massive world event in Chal's territory. Part of players within that area became rotting organisms. You will get dramatic change of appearance and gain a new skill to beat other players when you become a monster. This Guild Wars 2 gold skill can be cast, but in the running of the time, the skill effect will be failed. That is to balance your new skills, damage.

The best point of this event is that it occurred in the game's PVE area. It is exceedingly interesting and definitely worth a try. Because most PVP occurred in a separate area, some are organized PVP mode. Some are large-scale WvWvW wars. In other MMORPG, the most exciting thing is that the player can join PVP in PVE area.

However, Guild Wars 2 did not open too many such areas that allow casual PVP for the reason that this model is not in line with the guidelines of the entire game world. All races are united to fight against the final Boss, not to wage a war as in the past. It is not very suitable to permit Guild Wars 2 gold players in a team to attack each other randomly. You can divide players on the same map into two factions to attack each other. This can set goals for each team so it looks like a dynamic event and became reasonable to let PVP happen in PVE region.

What is the most important is that there must be a story to comply with such events. Because the Maronite's attack, several players became a beast-like creature. The monster team must complete command of the Dragon to find a way to spread corruptions. The infected players shoulder stops the corruption's spread. Their mission is to make all infected person Guild Wars 2 gold become normal. But now we do not know what will happen if one side wins, because stress tests are over before one party won this game. Recalling the scale of this event, it is indeed caused a huge impact on this area and players.

Another benefit of this event is that players are gathered together. It started a mode that enables PVE and PVP players to play together and get a mutual understanding of each other. This new element has been added to the WvWvW map, so there will be not only a large-scale PVP playing mode Guild Wars 2 gold, but also to mix the exploration of PVE and the sense of teamwork of PVP together. By combining these two different things perfectly, players can try new game modes and won't be perplexed in a completely strange environment. I hope Guild Wars 2 can set more dynamic event in the future to enrich the story and the player's participation.

The Enchanter of the Sorcery Comity in GW2

It seemed that the mermaids wanted to fight with us. But we did not have enough cheap Guild Wars 2 gold now.
“Who told you that we should be your friends? You are our enemies now!” The mermaid said coldly.
It was the Ice Palm Thunder which was a monster skill. Its attribute was negative sorcery. It could give the goal 5 to 41 points of lightning damage. The moving speed of the goal would be reduced by 33%. This skill consumed 5 points of energy. Its casting time was 0.75; the cooling time was 6.
It was the palm thunder again!

But the palm thunder of the mermaids was a little special. It could slow down the speed of the goal. Just when the palm thunder was used, the real identity of the mermaids was exposed. They should be the death mermaids. I did think they could buy Guild Wars 2 gold in Guild Wars 2.
Now I knew that Atlantis was a map which applied to the players in level 60 to 200. They would not be kind to human beings. They only liked killing human beings.
“You are traitors. I will punish you for the enchanter comity.” Suddenly an enchanter appeared. He looked like a blue wraith. I thought he must come from other game.

Under the help of the small enchanter, we killed a group of death mermaids successfully. We also won much Guild Wars 2 gold. But the enchanter was very serious all the time; as if he never saw us. Or he ignored us.
“I am so sorry to forget telling you one thing.” The voice of the electric rider came into our ears again. “In the task of finding the polar light in the deep-sea, there is a small link which is the new enchanter. Only he can find the source of the polar light. Of course only he can keep the secret of the polar light.”

“So we have to protect this enchanter, am I right?” I said. I thought we would consume much Guild Wars 2 gold again.
“Yes, you are right. But it doesn’t matter if this enchanter dies. There is the resurrection point of the enchanter in the whole instance. You should only have to run to resurrection point. But I must remind you that this young enchanter is very sufficient.”
“I know, he wants to be killed.” Now I knew why the young enchanter was so cold; because he was not a human being, but a non-player-controlled character. He liked killing himself; so many players could not complete their tasks finally. 

Humans' impact on Tyria in Guild Wars 2

With the advent of the human, Tyria countries changed suddenly. Our ancestors rendezvous their own desire through relentless Guild Wars 2 gold creation. They keep inventing like little gods. Thick skin or pointed claws seems meaningless to the humans who were adept to create a metal armor or pointed gun and halberd. The so-called town started appearing soon. It is surrounded by high walls which were guarded with armed human. The human who has all essential started to turn their vigilance to certain thing additional. Humans began to capture animals for joy, expel Druid rush in Maguma district, humans even began to infringe apes' territory for themselves.

Human becomes the rulers of the world. Since then, not too long after the man came, balance scheme of all rushes under the management of serpent Guild Wars 2 gold started to agitate. And abruptly, serpents that have been defending the soil for 2000 years lost the significance of reality. It is unrealistic to let the time proceed in reverse. According to legend, the snake who was reluctant to compete with humans withdrew to Kerist desert where was uninhabitable for human.

The memory became increasingly distorted while time transient by. The occurrence of snakes gradually being disregarded, and finally even the detail of their existence being disregarded by humans completely. Today we take these stories as a legend or myth. However, snakes, called as forgotten now, have not went away. They were absolutely disregarded by us as their titles.

After the disappearance of serpents, the gods still didn't halt creating the world. They determined to give each rush of Tyria the proficiency of GW2 gold illusion. This is wonderful gospel for all races since it will be very simple to endure with illusion. The gods couldn't hide their excitement as presents were prepared. illusion was allotted averagely to human and Tsar, tengu and dwarves, taurine and elves and other soil rushes. regrettably, even the Almighty God will make errors inescapably and the most grave mistake is that they underestimated the greedy feelings for each one.

rushes who received the gift GW2 gold were full of delight, at smallest the starting of this. At the identical time, although, the hungry heart started to rise. While time passed, conflict of sovereignty of Tyriy begun. Magic dominated the conflict and initiated unforeseen harm. nearly everything was mercilessly decimated. Countless inhabits disappeared eternally…

Tyria abruptly became the battlefield of Asura.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Resurrecting the Blue Enchanter in Guild Wars

It seemed that the monsters on the other side of the water channel got the message. They came to attack us with their skills and Guild Wars 2 gold continuously. A group came after we killed a group. We could not absolutely kill them. I felt this place was similar to the moment of killing the electric rider in the sky city. They walked out of the sculpture at that time. One and one group came to help. If two or three groups of monsters gathered, we would be in danger.
“Look, the resurrection altar of the blue enchanter is in the front.” Hadley said. The altar was at the end of the water channel.

We became very excited since we found that. The first reason was that we chose the right road; the second reason was that we could summon the blue enchanter again. Though maybe this boy would be killed again, we had to do it; even if we would also consume much cheap Guild Wars 2 gold.
But we saw an unkind monster at the end of the water channel. It was the sea monster with silver bow in level 28. It looked like the ones with blue wings. But this one was huger than the one with blue wings. It was nearly the giant under the sea.

This silver monster used the Arrow of Ice Goddess, the same skill of the monster with blue wings. But the simple attack of this silver monster was higher. I was afraid that we could not buy Guild Wars 2 gold now. An arrow would cause more than 50 points of damage. It was lucky that my defense monk had the Protection Shield. 50% of his whole attack was blocked. Now the monster was scared. He even did not know what happened.
The blue enchanter was resurrected on the altar; as if he never died.

He said proudly: “It is good. You killed the silver bow monster. He is the guard of the first test. You can get into the second test of Atlantis by killing him.”
“Well, I know.” I felt unhappy. We killed the BOSS difficultly; but the blue enchanter thought we should do it.
There were many big Behemoths with much Guild Wars 2 gold at the entrance of the second test. They were huger. They were good at skills of axe warrior. The blue enchanter was clever this time. Maybe the reason was that he did not have enough sorcery range.
The huge Behemoth had high experience. We got many materials, golden wire and purple equipment after killing him.