Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Indestructible faith by fugitive way in WOW

The Beautiful Lordaeron is my hometown. Now it is spring. The flowers are blooming and the scenery here is very beautiful. Early in the winter, I had made an appointment with Mina and Sean, to hold a race to climb the apricot tree, and the winner could earn some WOW gold. For a knight, that was my advantage. Every time in such match, I have no suspense to first occupy the top of the tree, and threw apricots toward Sean. He had said that this year he could defeat me. I'd like to see if he had some achievements after working hard for such a long time. Otherwise, at this year, I will be eligible to enter the Royal Knights institutions, to be a real Paladin, like uncle Uther, but all of this will be end today.
"Mina! Where is Mina? Tell me!" I seized a soldier's shoulder and asked him anxiously. "Don't you remember that? Last month, she went to participate in the training camp of the Advanced Master. At this moment, she probably doesn't know the fall of the capital.""Thank God, she's alive.” I got some consolation. "I must be alive." I said to myself. "Come on, it is the time." I could not help but take a last look at the former bedroom which was in the color of WOW gold. Everything is so warm.
Along the way there was full of flames, my ears filled with the sound of the beep stripping crack, the thick smoke and the burning smell hung over us. The earth of Lordaeron has been ruined beyond recognition by the Death Army. The corpses there looked very horrible; all of them were disemboweled and got a painful expression on their face; there was also some WOW gold scattered around them. In order to accelerate our speed, we had to step on these corpses.

"My dear subjects, I swear to revenge for you!" My sweaty hand held the sword firmly, made a serious oath silently. Suddenly, there was a piercing cry, we stopped. Yes, they were still catching up, and that was a crowd of Gargoyle. "Prince, how should we do? We cannot attack them." One of the guards said, with a bit flustered. Perhaps it was for the power from the Sword of the temple or the magic WOW gold, I walked out of the team calmly, just like a leader. "From your eyes, I could see my fear."I said slowly:" Maybe one day, humans will be completely perished. The Death Army will dominate the world, but it will not happen today. Today we have the courage, strength, as well as the indestructible faith. Today, we have to fight! "


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