Sunday, July 28, 2013

The city of Arlak in Guild Wars 2

Arlak was the 3rd biggest town of Ascalon during the domain period. It was graded behind the imperial capital city of Ascalon and Sadlak sanatorium where nobility accumulated. Arlak is the most important town in the to the east part of Ascalon, furthermore the most economically evolved town adjacent Ascalon town. Since Arlak was only 50 miles from the Oriental boundary and on the major road of the domain, so here was the circulation center for the transient businessmen to stopover or supplement products and Guild Wars 2 gold. In the heyday of Arlak, the carriages have no end in sight of the road premier to the capital. But now, because Charr's armed detachment is too large, the Empire has forsaken part of the great to the east wall, which also encompassed the forsaken Arlak, as it was too close to the Oriental border.

Only in seven days, the 3rd biggest town of the previous domain has become a wreck. Different types of corpses and billowing smoke were universal. For Charrs, they do not need the towns, countries, nourishment, Guild Wars 2 gold and slaves. What they desire is the body-fluid, the wreck and the fear and wail of the dying foes. Their aim is to decimate the entire Tyria without any intension of reconstruction after the destruction. Their aim is to enslave all the other rushes in this countries. The one time prosperous Arlak was completely distinct after the appearance of Charr. You cannot even identify that it used to be a city.

Recalling that day, the dawn, the thatched cabin, the smoke from kitchen chimneys, the kind-hearted persons, the attractive birch forest and the moderately hot breeze in the early morning…. That is my attractive Arlak. persons were still busy as usual in the jump areas, in the world was about to become wrecks.

"Sister, look! What a attractive flower." A girl with red short hair was crouching on the roadside and observing a lily attentively. That is a flowery and carefree girl. It was very simple to understand from the rattan cloth she wears and the Rome dagger on her back that she just graduated from the Imperial College of nobility. The rattan cloth and Rome dagger were granted to trained soldiers as gift, as well as some GW2 gold and their credentials of fighters.

"Nana, you are too fast." This is furthermore a girl with red hair, whose hair like a waterfall, suspending on the edges of the face allowance. She observed his young sister with tenderness and love in her eyes. She is a lately graduated female monk, dressing in a sky-blue robe, retaining a wand of treatment. She disperses the gospel of Dwayna goddess and GW2 gold to the persons of the world.


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