Thursday, July 18, 2013

Resurrecting the Blue Enchanter in Guild Wars

It seemed that the monsters on the other side of the water channel got the message. They came to attack us with their skills and Guild Wars 2 gold continuously. A group came after we killed a group. We could not absolutely kill them. I felt this place was similar to the moment of killing the electric rider in the sky city. They walked out of the sculpture at that time. One and one group came to help. If two or three groups of monsters gathered, we would be in danger.
“Look, the resurrection altar of the blue enchanter is in the front.” Hadley said. The altar was at the end of the water channel.

We became very excited since we found that. The first reason was that we chose the right road; the second reason was that we could summon the blue enchanter again. Though maybe this boy would be killed again, we had to do it; even if we would also consume much cheap Guild Wars 2 gold.
But we saw an unkind monster at the end of the water channel. It was the sea monster with silver bow in level 28. It looked like the ones with blue wings. But this one was huger than the one with blue wings. It was nearly the giant under the sea.

This silver monster used the Arrow of Ice Goddess, the same skill of the monster with blue wings. But the simple attack of this silver monster was higher. I was afraid that we could not buy Guild Wars 2 gold now. An arrow would cause more than 50 points of damage. It was lucky that my defense monk had the Protection Shield. 50% of his whole attack was blocked. Now the monster was scared. He even did not know what happened.
The blue enchanter was resurrected on the altar; as if he never died.

He said proudly: “It is good. You killed the silver bow monster. He is the guard of the first test. You can get into the second test of Atlantis by killing him.”
“Well, I know.” I felt unhappy. We killed the BOSS difficultly; but the blue enchanter thought we should do it.
There were many big Behemoths with much Guild Wars 2 gold at the entrance of the second test. They were huger. They were good at skills of axe warrior. The blue enchanter was clever this time. Maybe the reason was that he did not have enough sorcery range.
The huge Behemoth had high experience. We got many materials, golden wire and purple equipment after killing him. 

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