Friday, July 26, 2013

General David and Flames City Ⅱ

Some people say that: if he performed at the Royal Theatre, his sensational performances and strong rhythmic voice will upset each noble and make lots of Guild Wars 2 gold. The only one reason is that these aristocratic and glamorous ladies disturbed have a fanatical preference for theatrical performances. Plus on his hansom appearance, and the determination of the eyes, will inevitably lead to many of the affairs. However, the premise should be Noray is a performer, not the monk, and Noray had to pull their punches. Fortunately, these things will not happen. These aristocrats do not have to worry about their wife and ladies' eloping with him.

Noray spends most of the time on learning and studying scripture with his teacher Hilf who was a senior deacon of Showa Carl Temple. He will go to the monasteries distributed in the main to deal with some of Temple issues to earn Guild Wars 2 gold, but also usually shuttles between the empire and the main city. When Noray was young, Hilf often shuttles with small between various cities and empire. This made him know a lot about some cities along with the customs and culture of the empire. When Noray was in Showa Carl Temple, there were a few days of each month for him to spread his doctrine.

Noray's name isn't seems like a monk's name, but it means nothing for the temple to make Guild Wars 2 gold. In the monks' eyes methodologies are methodologies, things are things, everything is usual. Noray's name was given by his teacher Hilf, Hilf is more a father than a teacher for him.

Initially saw Noray, he was not named this, actually he has no name. In a lightning flashing rainy night, Hilf found Noray on his way back from the empire to flames city when he was passing a small temple outside the city. Hilf heard someone was crying at the corner of the Temple wall, but when he found Noray, he noticed that the crying was not from him. Surprisingly it turned out that it was a huge mother wolf howling in low voice like a baby crying.  Noray was under this wolf whose body was all wet, but he did not get wet. Obviously, this wolf was shielding him with her own body and summoned Hilf here with low voice. When Hilf come to Noray, the big wolf break out a long beep and quickly disappeared in the depths of a rainy night. Hilf put Noray in his arms, found a piece of Guild Wars 2 gold in Noray’s hand. Noray remained surprisingly calm and serene as if he had been in the arms of Hill.

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